Sanación Emocional. Crianza Intuitiva. Duelo Perinatal.

about me

My name is Lucía Siwy.

I am a Certified Master Practitioner in COMPASSION KEYⓇ, a cutting edge healing modality for trauma and emotional wounds.

I am also a Perinatal, Gestational and Neonatal Grief Counsellor, and a professional violinist (you can read my biography here). I have also trained in Conscious Parenting.

Together with my sister Mónica we are pioneers in co-creating Unconditional Love Music Therapy to assist the healing of the mother-child connection and relationship, through songs written from the deepest love of a mother and high frequency vibrations (currently only available in Spanish).

Since I became a mother, I entered a path of self knowledge and personal growth, which deepened further after the death of my other two children. The pain of the death of a child is one of the greatest that we can experience in life. It is a very difficult path. I had to learn how to reconnect with myself and my daughter despite severe trauma, grief, and anxiety. And so I have learned firsthand a lot about trauma, anxiety, disconnection and I have deeply healed not only my grief, but my inner child and karmic imprints especially after discovering the Compassion Key healing modality. This is why it is now part of my mission to help other people in their healing journey through this modality.

I have also created online courses and workshops for mothers who want to strengthen their connection and relationship with their children.

I live in New Zealand with my beloved husband, wonderful daughter and our four pets. We honor, love, miss and always remember the presence of our two star baby boys who went to Heaven the day they were born.

Although I am still in my own healing journey, I can say that today I do have a happy life and I have the privilege of feeling more peace in my heart. I can say today that no matter the depth of our wounds, it is possible to heal.

I am Light, I am a Lover and Defender of the Truth, I am an Empowered Woman, I am a Sister, I am a Wife, I am a Daughter, I am a Mother. And above all, I am HUMAN: something that I feel as Humanity we all need to reclaim.